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Jul 26, 2013

The Secret Of Living A Thousand Years

According to history, Prophet Adam AS had lived for a thousand years. Only people who live in his age can linger as long as he lived. I am trying to guess what makes him that way. Below are my assumption, you may agree or disagree with it.

  1. Fresh Air
In early century, people have not invented any vehicle or transportation yet. Thus, no pollution from the car, train or plane which cut our age. Only fresh air which  help us to boost our immune. Some researches proves that people who live in the mountain can have more ages than the people who live in the city. 

  1. Fresh fruits and foods
Fresh fruits mean you only eat fruits right after you pick it from trees. No fruits which keep for a month or maybe for years. And fresh foods means you don’t need to cook eating those foods. People have not invented stove or pans or other stuff to cook something at that century. But now, so many preservative or cooking processing which can make the mineral in foods vanished. Plus, people add so many artificial gourmets in our food to make it tastier. 

  1. Do walking
As the transportation had not invented yet in that century, people go anywhere by walking. They also walk in a rocky mountain or hills where street and high way have not made yet. Walking in a fresh air is a plus plus for your health. 

  1. Fresh water
Water had not polluted yet, the water is so clean and clear. We do not to cook it to drink that water. People just drink it right after they take it from the river. We may found that clean water up hills in the mountain right now. And you can feel the difference from the water in the middle of the city.

Once again, above are just my assumptions. But if you want to have a long age, you may practice those ways of living, nothing to lose to try it. In fact, you may have more years in your life to live. Good luck.

Jul 3, 2013

Tips To Detect Spoil Food

Being hit by the spoil food second time give me a great new lesson. Believe me, you don’t want to feel it. Feel the diarrhea can really makes you weak. You don’t want to far way from the toilet since your stomach feels so hurt. You can go back and back again there for about10-20 times per day. This is what I feel when I eat the spoil food. But before I eat the spoil food, I can feel something wrong, here are the feelings.

  1. The food taste awkward
Believe your tongue. It can detect the great food, delicious food or if there is something wrong with the food. Some spoil food doesn’t taste like it usually.
  1. The smell doesn’t smell good
Tasty food smells good and fresh. You must know how the smell of the fresh fish while it’s burning or frying. Smell so good right? Nah, the spoil food will smell like acid’s smell and you feel like you want to vomit when you smell it .
  1. Listen to your heart
Sound like a title of song huh? Lol.. It is, when I taste the spoil food, my tongue feels different and my heart said, ouhh why the taste likes this? If your heart said so, just quit eating and leave the food. It is better to loose some food than loosing your healthy. You will spend more money to go to the doctor to heal than spend money to buy another food.

Don’t forget to pray before eating for asking God’s protection so we can avoid those spoils food.

Jul 2, 2013

Tips To Heal From Spoil Food

Here in Indonesia, many food sellers don’t go with the standard of hygienic and healthy food. All they think is the great benefit that they can get with selling the food. Even there are also many food seller stand with high standard and hygienic, but here the supervision from the department of drugs and food is still low. The consumers have to be aware and take care of them self to be healthy.

However, if you get hit by the spoil food here is some emergency things that you can do:

  1. Don’t try to stop the diarrhea by taking some medicine which can stop it.
Diarrhea is the body alarm to get rid out the poison from our body. If you wish to stop it, then the toxic will stay in your body and may damage other system in your body. So just let it out.

  1. Drink honey with warm water
Every time you pup, right away drink a glass of warm water mix with two spoonful of honey. Make sure you drink the original honey as there are so many fake honey around here. It helps you to not get weak even you go to the toilet for more than 10 times per day. 

  1. Drink nature antibiotics
You can get nature antibiotics from garlic or propolis. Propolis is a bee hive products that contain nature antibiotics. If you choose to eat garlic, smash the garlic then put in a glass of warm water. You can drink it three or four times per day. And if you choose propolis, you can add two drops of propolis and mix it with a half glass of warm water.

  1. Drink green coconut water
Coconut water is well known for its benefit to get rid of the spoil food and toxic from our body. Green coconut water is the best one, but if you can not find it, it is okay to drink the common coconut.

The last thing but also important, try to vomit right away after you hit by the spoil food. By vomiting, you can save from the diarrhea because the toxin gets out immediately. It is safer to cook your food by yourself since you are aware of the hygienic standard and the ingredients of the food.