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Apr 14, 2012

Beware of The Dangerous Candy

I Read in News about this dangerous candy at Reportase Investigasi on Saturday April,14 2012. It is scary plus makes me worry about this. The candy not only contains the saccaharine- the artificial sweetener which is highly not recommended for children in big amount, but it also contain the artificial color for textile which is very dangerous for human.

It does not the end; they also put the smashing of candle inside the candle and borax as the preservative. So even the candy put in several weeks, it can not spoil by the bacteria. 
I can not believe this because they do all of this just to get more money.

I don’t know why there is such a person who really has this crazy thought. Not thinking the consequences of what he had done to kids. Kids are our future, we put all the things we have on their shoulder. We know that those chemical ingredients can make a serious damage to our body. It can make the system of our body out of order, like cancer or the failure of liver or kidney.

Please save our kids from danger of these candies. You can help me by spreading this short paper to anyone you love and care

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